The one-stop for
cleaning services
- 4 hours/day
- 5x/week
- 8 hours/day
- 5x/week
- 4 hours/day
- 7x/week
- 8 hours/day
- 7x/week
The estimates above include:
Payroll Taxes, Insurance, Worker’s Compensation Insurance, Liability insurance, Supplies and Equipment, Overhead Costs
Office Spaces
$2100 - $5100/month
General office cleaning, vacuuming, trash removal, restrooms, etc.
- 50-200 employees
- 4-8 hours/day
- 5 days/week
- 1-2 workers
Clinics & Hospitals
$4100 - $12300/month
Cleaning of all areas , sanitization, medical-grade cleaning, etc.
- 5,000 - 28,000 sqft
- 4-5 hours/day
- 7 days/week
- 2-3 workers
$3100 - $5100/month
Entire facilities, classroom, restrooms, etc.
- 200-500 students
- 4-6 hours/day
- 5 days/week
- 1-2 workers
Retail and Malls
$3000 - $7300/month
Retail space, floors, restrooms, fitting rooms, customer areas, etc.
- 10,000 - 30,000 sqft
- 4-8 hours/day
- 7 days/week
- 2-4 workers